France will support Exhibitors in the coming year with a total of €100 million !
Support for Exhibitors in France

The France destination recovery plan includes a support system to support the event industry up to €100 million!
Three measures are planned:
✔ Assistance with the arrival and return of new exhibitors (up to €96 million)
✔Help for the return of international buyers (for 4 M€)
✔ Loans from savings funds with Banque des Territoires.
The system, managed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of France, targets 71 French fairs and shows organized from March 2022 to June 2023, which had more than 500 exhibitors before the crisis.
This will be a subsidy granted to exhibiting SMEs, equal to 50% of exhibition space rental expenses (up to €12,500/beneficiary and €1.35 million/event)
Click here fore more information (in French)
If you are exhibiting at France and are you looking for a custom stand solution to stand out from the crowd, talk to your local stand builder in Cannes, Nice & Monaco. We have affordable turn-key custom solutions. Contact us to find out more!
Obtenez un devis
Attending Exhibitions in France/Monaco just got easier!

We are delighted to share that from now on, fully vaccinated travellers are no longer subject to restrictions when travelling to France/Monaco, regardless of your country of departure.
If you are fully vaccinated with one of the following vaccines:
- Pfizer/BioNTech
- Moderna
- AstraZeneca/Vaxzevria/Covishield
- Janssen
➜ NO restrictions shall apply when entering metropolitan France/Monaco.
You will be considered fully vaccinated 28 days after the administration of a dose of the Janssen vaccine and 7 days after administration your second dose of the following vaccines: Pfizer/Comirnaty, Moderna, AstraZeneca/Vaxzevria/Covishield.

Note: All other vaccines are NOT recognized by the European Union
Réservez maintenant, annulez sans pénalité!

Avec notre initiative Réservez maintenant, payez plus tard, vous pouvez réserver votre stand maintenant pour tout événement futur
et annulez librement jusqu'à 4 semaines avant l'événement!
In these strange times we still need to look ahead to when everything get's back to "normal". We still have to plan for exhibitions ahead, design exhibitions stands, submit everything to organisers etc. etc. But we are uncertain which shows will go on, which will be postponed or cancelled.
We design your stand, plan in production, take care of the paperwork as usual but you only pay when we know the show will go ahead. 50% deposit 4 weeks before the show, 30% 1 week before the show and the remaining 20% when the show opens*.

Comment ça marche?
- Vous faites une demande de devis
- Nous créons un design initial et un devis
- Nous re-conception si nécessaire
- Vous recevez un devis final
- Vous réservez votre stand
- 4 semaines avant le salon commence, vous payez 50%
- 2 semaines avant le salon commence, vous payez 30%
- Les 20% restants sont payés le jour de l'ouverture du salon
Donc, tout le processus se déroulera comme d'habitude, la seule chose est que vous pouvez annuler librement avant le premier dépôt (4 semaines avant l'ouverture du salon). Et comme nous l'avons vu ces derniers temps, presque tous les spectacles sont annulés plus de 4 semaines avant la date d'ouverture. Il n'y a donc pratiquement aucun risque financier pour commencer à planifier votre stand d'exposition et vous assurer que votre emplacement de production est sécurisé.
Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations. Nous pouvons aider!
* Malheureusement, les dépôts payés ne sont pas remboursables car ils couvrent le coût de la main-d'œuvre, des matériaux commandés, etc. etc.
Réservez maintenant, annulez sans pénalité!

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