+33 (0)7 81 64 71 82  |  info@cannesexpo.com

Conception et construction de stand sur mesure

We claim that we can do the stand design & construction  for €395 per square meter; nevertheless, we will have to take the initial costs into account. For example, it will always be more expensive to construct a booth in Barcelona or Amsterdam than to construct the same booth in Cannes because of the costs for travelling, hotel nights, transport and flights. Because we are based on the French Riviera we don’t have to take these costs into account when the exhibition stand is designed and constructed in Cannes, Lyon, Nice, Marseille or Monaco.

Qu'est-ce qui est inclus pour 395 € / m2?

  • Conception complète et re-conception si nécessaire
  • Location de tous les éléments structurels
  • Graphiques en couleur sur tous les murs visibles
  • Choice of carpet colour
  • Ensemble de meubles complet incl. Frigo
  • Écrans de télévision (<65 ") avec lecteurs multimédias USB
  • Éclairage et prises de courant
  • Transport, installation et enlèvement
  • Gestion de projet complète

Nous créons des solutions abordables pour les constructions sur mesure 395 € le mètre carré !!

And than of course we have to take into account the options you need, type of furniture, special construction, extra outdoor space etc. etc. This increases the price per square meter. But in almost every comparison we are cheaper than modular build stands and because we are local in Cannes, Lyon, Nice, Marseille and Monaco we beat almost every competitor because we don’t have any traveling costs. This also means that during the show there is always a team at hand to solve any issue or extra request during the exhibition.

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